International aerospace consulting company.

Payment instructions

Payment via PayPal system is safe and secure. Our company has added this feature to allow customers to make payments in seconds using major credit and debit cards. Even though this option is fast and and convenient, please remember, that PayPal will add 3.9% foreign and 2.9% domestic (within the US) transection fee to every payment you make (see details here>>>). Therefore, some of the set amounts which are necessary to be paid in full are adjusted to accomodate the 3.9% foreign transection surcharge. We appreciate your understanding.

Flight training, initial deposit payments

Initial Deposit Payments
Don't see your deposit here? Contact us now, and we will email you a custom invoice.


Conditional Enrollment & Bank Support Letter

ICAO English certification courses

Select amount option by clicking the drop-down box below:

Miscellaneous Payments

Select amount option by clicking the drop-down box below: